Films that often don't end well.

Excerpts from films I have written and directed. A bit dated...
Feature film screenplay set in England. 5 Accolades in U.S. contests.
After being laid off, Joel returns to work as if nothing had happened. Short feature film broadcast on French TV.
Micro-budget feature film. A chest found under the bedroom floor changes a couple's lives irreversibly.
For her last show, a radio talkshow host decides to end it with a bang.
When his father comes to pick him up from prison, Tiana has a problem: this man is not his father.
My name is Louise. I'm neither deaf nor mute, and the voice you hear is mine.
Archive footage of a brothel from the 1950s commented on by a former prostitute.
A father seeks the explanation for the sudden blindness of his son. Short film broadcast on France 2.
A young woman recounts her wanderings in Vienna to her therapist.


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