A script, a crew, some actors, and we're in business.

Excerpts from films I have written and directed. A bit dated...
The future is crap, but where else can we go? Existential webseries in 12 episodes. Release 2024.
After being laid off, Joel returns to work as if nothing had happened. Short feature film broadcast on French TV.
Micro-budget feature film. A chest found under the bedroom floor changes a couple's lives irreversibly.
When I'm sad, my socks comfort me. Short film broadcast on Canal+.
For her last show, a radio talkshow host decides to end it with a bang.
When his father comes to pick him up from prison, Tiana has a problem: this man is not his father.
My name is Louise. I'm neither deaf nor mute, and the voice you hear is mine.
General! Do you remember the plan to hide fighter jets in the form of amusement rides? The plan went awry.
"Regarding the neurosurgery performed on your son, I have good news and bad news."


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To follow my daily adventures, including my everyday videos: