Last lockdown sketch. See you at the next pandemic.

Young impressionable actress vs. producer with a bad reputation.

Once upon a time, I was crazy about 3D. I created this teaser using Maya and thought I'd make a whole short film.

While sorting through old hard drives, I found this compilation of animations dating back to... well, the early 21st century:

As I'm getting back to publishing dialogues, I thought it was a shame to have lost the one that had performed the best back in the days of The ShitScri

Here's an image from my series Panic in Space!, which is currently in post-production:

Lately, I've been going back to the theater.

Yeah, I don't know what's gotten into me! Probably the onset of depression.

A few years ago, I started writing some absurd-existential dialogues on a website I named (which no longer exists).

Serge, we need to address the way you speak to the team.

A small touch of the blues on the highway.

No reason. No illness. No new abyss in my life. Nothing to worry about more than usual.

I returned to Squat 59 Rivoli by chance.

Before, I used to joke that only my mom read this blog.

Recently, I got proof that not even she does.

Of course, you've been listening to this on repeat for years, while I, foolishly, have just been listening to the original – which is

I'm starting to think that only presence matters. That there's ultimately no such thing as a good or bad action, a good or bad decision: only good or bad reasons to act.

You probably don't know this, but for over a year (or a little less, I haven't done the math), I've been writing a journal.

Swamped before the September screening of Version 1 of the film for the Ponts et Chaussées.

First, let me be clear: I'm not religious in the slightest.

That's completely unrelated, so I consider that I haven't broken my vow.

I discovered this person yesterday in this video. He's become my favorite human being. (I hope I don't find out he's a scoundrel... Doesn't look like one.

Just reached page 100 of the novel I've been writing... oh... for fifteen years.

At the Franciscaines to work. I see there's an immersive installation starting in 5 minutes.

I use my phone's camera to take photos of my son or - as you know - far too many beach photos. Last night, I discovered the night mode feature, which is quite impressive.

Against all expectations, creating life is easy, fast, and free: