
Hilarious, funny or mildly amusing.

I was about to write an exciting article about the psychological component of effort based on my experience with the rowing machine at the gym: some days, It's a breeze; other days, on the same mac

You could say I'm rediscovering America. Maybe.

As I'm getting back to publishing dialogues, I thought it was a shame to have lost the one that had performed the best back in the days of The ShitScri

A few years ago, I started writing some absurd-existential dialogues on a website I named (which no longer exists).

You film bats hanging upside down, flip the camera, and bam! Here we are on a Wednesday nigh in an 80s German nightclub:

At some point, I'll still have to get my fucking movies on my fucking website.

Because you see: I'm a director. So I make fucking movies.

It's becoming a habit: when I don't have time, I post an old drawing I did during lockdown. Except that this is also the subject. And it's not really a drawing. But hey.

Change the world, maybe not. But you'll stop bugging me.

1. No more "bon appétit" at every turn

At the table, with your family, with your friends: have a blast.

Distance walked this morning: 8.9km

Number of children dropped off at daycare: 1

Desire to work: 0

Diary entries: 1231 words (7287 characters)

Here's a great video by exurb1a, a youtuber that I (and a lot of people) follow:

Yes, it's a cliché, but I've recently experienced it in a very personal way.

I burst out laughing at this clip from the Netflix documentary The Mask by Olivier Bouchara and Jérôme Pierrat about the Gilbert Chikli phone sc


For any questions, comments, or requests, contact me at: 

To follow my daily adventures, including my everyday videos: