Change the world, maybe not. But you'll stop bugging me.
1. No more "bon appétit" at every turn
At the table, with your family, with your friends: have a blast.
Even if the Nadine de Rothschild's handbook says it's not done (what's the next step: "bonne graille?" remarked a guest), it's part of French culture, part of your freedom of expression and if not, how do you break the ice with all those people you have nothing to say to?
BUT, when you see, sitting on a public bench or on a terrace, someone you don't know whatsoever, that you will never cross paths with again in your life, and who is taking the first bite out of their sandwich while reading the newspaper... Why bother them?
True: it's always nice to connect with another human being.
But other than forcing them to swallow hard only to respond with a half-hearted "thank you" and disappear from their life forever, what did you accomplish? What did you get out of this interaction? Why the cheerfulness in your voice and the self-satisfied little smile as you left on Amsterdam Street? (Those involved will recognize themselves.)
2. No more unnecessary croissant
If you're a waiter and I ask you for a coffee, there's no need to offer "And don't you want a little croissant with that?"
No. I don't want anything. Pack up your junk.
If I had wanted something, I would have uttered the corresponding words. I would have articulated "with a croissant" or I would have asked for the breakfast option. I don't need any assistance in appreciating my desires or formulating my wants.
So I know: it's probably your boss who demands it. But let me share a secret with you: there's nothing that requires you to follow dumb orders when your boss isn't standing right behind you. And I refuse to believe that he's replaying the surveillance tapes reading your lips to make sure you're suggesting the right baked goods. (If so, get the hell out.)
What's next? Ordering a glass of water only to have the waiter whisper in your ear "wouldn't you like to go for a quick pee first?". At least I'd find that funny.
3. Start now
Let's end on a positive note.
Whether it's meditation, exercise or finding meaning in your life, start now. Get started today. Right now. Don't even finish this paragraph. Just go for it.
Most importantly, don't wait until you "finish such-and-such a project" or "are in a better place."
There are two reasons not to wait:
- Without balance, your project is surely headed in the wrong direction anyway and its completion will only sink you further. As for the best conditions, they will only come if you do the right thing. Get started.
- If you put off what improves your life until later, "when you have time," your good resolutions will disappear along with your free time. Yet that's when you need it most.
For example: I meditate and journal every morning. Sometimes I skip a day or two - it happens. But never - oh, never! - when I have an important or busy day. On the contrary: that's when it counts and when I need all my mental energy.
The mornings after a bender when I'm eating fat while watching Netflix, it doesn't matter as much.