My song of the moment.

Digging around in the attic, I found these portraits of my ancestor Algar Ebenezer Boulengeman, a trapper on the Great Plains of Canada:

I'm keeping the English title because the French translation - as is often the case with self-help books - seems to have been written by the traveling quack who sells mercury potions in Little Hous

In sound editing of episode 3 of Panic in Space, my existential webseries of the future.

At some point, I'll still have to get my fucking movies on my fucking website.

Because you see: I'm a director. So I make fucking movies.

Going to see the plays of my actor buddies when I was in acting school disgusted me with broke theater, or even theater altogether.

New rule: when I'm in a hurry, I'll post pictures from the last few days even if they're not inherently interesting. Trouville, as usual.

It's been a long time since we worked with UNESCO.

It's becoming a tradition to post a containment drawing when I'm in a hurry.

As is often the case, I bought this book by chance because I opened it in the middle and one sentence caught my eye.

Of course, you've known about this song for ages. Because you guys are cool.

End of the weekend. I've got a little extra time, I'm heading back to Paris tomorrow morning.

It's becoming a habit: when I don't have time, I post an old drawing I did during lockdown. Except that this is also the subject. And it's not really a drawing. But hey.

I spend so much time writing on my computer (novel, screenplay, journal, email, etc.) that I recently started practicing typing.

To get away from Six Feet Under, The Wire, Mad Men, or The West Wing for a bit, there's a series I had stumbled upon that blew my mind. I watched it again this week and it transported me again.

Concept art for an animated short I finished writing a long time ago but never got around to it. The next step would have been to send the script to producers.

Change the world, maybe not. But you'll stop bugging me.

1. No more "bon appétit" at every turn

At the table, with your family, with your friends: have a blast.

A quick word on how I make my websites because my method is:

Distance walked this morning: 8.9km

Number of children dropped off at daycare: 1

Desire to work: 0

Diary entries: 1231 words (7287 characters)

Those who have the eye will have noticed that a large part of my posts here are illustrated by images produced by an artificial intelligence, in this case Midjourn

When I post old drawings, it means I'm busy. An other lockdown doodle made in memory of my trip to Scotland and of... Nope, I can't explain the giraffe. It's a mystery.

Didn't post anything this weekend and lots of work on my plate so I searched through my video impros from last year

There are certain external views that we have internalized.