Originally, it's a soundtrack of a video installation by Pipilotti Rist, a cover of Wicked Game.

Keeping a journal boils down to one single activity for me: describing the obstacle.

New surprise cultural evening (SCE, new acronym).

My feature film screenplay "The Stagemaster" set in England (yes, it's in English!) made it to the quarter-finals of the Los Angeles Screenplay Awards.

I don't go there often, but every time I do, I emerge transformed.

I quite liked the original, and once again, no one bothered to notify me of this new version that you all know and that I only discovered this afternoon on the beach:

I was about to write an exciting article about the psychological component of effort based on my experience with the rowing machine at the gym: some days, It's a breeze; other days, on the same mac

After film photography and paper lists, we continue the regression towards Mad Men, which will be followed, hopefully

I unexpectedly went to the theater last night and saw "Contre-Temps" by Samuel Sené. Fantastic!

Two films about feminism and coming of age, where the first thirty minutes made me wonder, "Are they really going to make an entire movie out of this?"

You could say I'm rediscovering America. Maybe.

It might sound like a New Year's resolution, but it's not at all. It's the culmination of a rebellion I've been brewing for a while.

During this holiday season, a song that celebrates love. (Not the possessive and sentimental love of American romantic comedies, but the pure and immediate love of Eastern wisdom.)

Mingyur Rinpoche encapsulates in a beautiful quote what I've been pondering for some time, namely that the reason for acting is often more important than

I also did some color (Ektar) but meh. I'm in my black and white phase with a heavy grain. Click on the photos to see them in full size.

For English speakers, three articles I've read over several years about death described by healthcare professionals.

We've just invented a truly super-smart artificial intelligence. But is it well-aligned with human values?

I've been the proud owner of a Leica M6 for about fifteen years (remember?) that I had somewhat set aside recently. It's back in action.

During the "Nuit des Ponts" organized for the 25th anniversary of the Fondation des Ponts, 7 projects were pitched for an except

A thoughtful reflection on creation that I find incredibly well-crafted, mature, and sincere from a twenty-something who questions her drawing practice in the face of the world of social networks a