If Sting repeats it three times in his song, it must be important.

It seems crucial to me, but also extremely difficult. All the authors (and people) I admire have, at some point, found "their" voice, their way of being, their vision of the world; while others continue to "imitate" by poorly copying their idols. Note: I think this is an essential stage. Admiring is being moved. Wanting to "be like" someone is recognizing something sublime in them that you wish you had; it shows a sensitivity that marks the beginning of everything. But to reach the next level and be considered an "author," "artist," or whatever, the second step is not optional: you have to find that quality within yourself. Develop your own tools. Shape your character from your inner material.

The main obstacles are always the same, it seems to me: fear and ignorance.

Fear of not being interesting enough. Fear of not being cool, strong, intelligent, or tormented like those we envy. Fear of not having the right past, the right life, the right look, the right mind. Fear that it's too early or too late.

Layered over all this: a coating of ignorance. Ignorance that these fears are natural, shared, collective. That they are often the driving force behind the talent and careers of those we admire. That, regardless of success, they will never leave us and are, when harnessed, an intimate and inexhaustible source of creation.

"What they criticize you for, cultivate it; it’s you." – Jean Cocteau


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