
Existential ponderings and brain farts.

First, let me be clear: I'm not religious in the slightest.

We often forget the people who make our lives easier.

We dwell too long on those who cause us problems.

Often, when I watch a documentary, I wonder how people who claim to be so affected, so depressed, sometimes so mean, can appear so open, so sincere, and have so much perspective when telling their

There are certain external views that we have internalized.

Yes, it's a cliché, but I've recently experienced it in a very personal way.

I stopped watching the first episode of Wednesday half way through. (I tried to go to the end, I promise, I even stopped then resumed it).

Our habits are a boon and a curse.

Not so much resolutions as general principles that I've discovered and explored in the past years:

Two very bad reasons not to act.

And yet: the two main causes of our inaction.


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