Here's a great video by exurb1a, a youtuber that I (and a lot of people) follow:

Yes, it's a cliché, but I've recently experienced it in a very personal way.

In a hurry, so here's a repost of a short video I made a few months ago from a movie from 1907 called "Eastern Eggs" by Segundo de Cho

I burst out laughing at this clip from the Netflix documentary The Mask by Olivier Bouchara and Jérôme Pierrat about the Gilbert Chikli phone sc

I stopped watching the first episode of Wednesday half way through. (I tried to go to the end, I promise, I even stopped then resumed it).

Our habits are a boon and a curse.

Excerpts from films I've written and directed:

A few years ago, I started using electronic music to add sound to my films.

Let’s say that when I’m too busy, I’ll just post some old stuff. Like this drawing I made during lockdown. Not super cheerful but it went with the times:

When in Marrakech, I found myself at an exhibition called A Moroccan Winter, showing paintings by Majorelle and his contemporar

Not so much resolutions as general principles that I've discovered and explored in the past years:

Found these on my phone. They were taken a few days ago on another continent.

(Disclaimer: I listened to the podcast in english, wrote this post in french, then relied heavily on Google Translate to translate it back into english.

This website will become my facebook, instagram, twitter and youtube all in one.

One minute of stork during Muezzin:

Two very bad reasons not to act.

And yet: the two main causes of our inaction.

I could tell you the history of how I started meditating and why it changed my life but we’ll do that another time.

You can imagine that a pagan like me is not particularly concerned with the birth of Jesus Christ.

New website.

I usually spend months tweaking with the appearance, the menus, the code (so far I’ve coded all my websites in php myself). Never mind all that!

Because of a freak accident, I'm stuck on Mars. And I'm an Artist! So don't expect me to science the shit out of anything... It's going to be a rough ride.